Wednesday, January 28, 2009

a few of my knitting projects

The sweather I knit Aaron
A purse I knit for Aaron's teacher
I knit the skirt
I knit the tank top
super warm felted mittens

Emily happy to be camping.

In June, Aaron finished kindergarten.  He did great.  We also camped a bit.  Since school was out we decided to travel with Myles when he had to go to Ohio for work.  We went to the COSI museum and the Columbus Zoo.  It was a really, really cool zoo.  I guess Jack Hanna lent his expertise to designing it. 


Kids at the zoo.

In July we kept the kids busy!  They had swim lessons, we went to the waterpark a couple times, we made lots of trips to the beach, they went to VBS at our church, AND they went to their first sleepover.  That was a big deal.  They both went to a friend’s house together and had a blast!  I was more nervous than they were.  I barley slept that night!  I stayed awake waiting for the phone to ring, thinking they wouldn’t be able to sleep away from home!  They slept great!!


In August we went blueberry picking and more camping.  Aaron attended his first summer camp, and really liked it.  He wasn’t to go back again.  We also had a jont birthday party at our house for both kids.  I can’t believe they are 4 and 6!  Where has the time gone??


In September Emily started 4 year old preschool.  She goes 3 days a week from 9-3.  It was hard for the first couple of week, since it is such a long day.  But she loves the school and the teachers and is doing great.  We decided to pull Aaron from his school and enroll him in year round school.  It is still in our district, but not at his “home” school.  The schedule is generally 45 days on 15 off.  They go the exact amount of days as a traditional schedule, but they go longer into the summer and have more frequent breaks.  I’m really happy with out decision.  Also, in September Myles travelled to Belgium again for his yearly visit.  And again with the start of school, Emily ballet and both kids church choir started again.

The first day of school.

In October we went camping in Frankenmuth at Jellystone Park.  What a great place for families!  The weekend was packed with stuff for the kids to do.  I think it may have been their favorite camping place to date.  I took a knitting class and continue to knit regularly.  Aaron started Cub Scouts, and it’s a good time for Aaron and Myles to spend together doing “boy-ly”(Emily’s word) stuff together.


In November Myles and both kids were asked to be in our church’s Christmas play and rehearsals started.  The kids were basically set decoration, but Myles had a singing part and did beautifully.  So much so, that he was asked to join the church choir!  We also travelled to Tennessee for Thanksgiving to see my brother, sister in law and baby niece.  It was a very nice trip and we had fun.  We got to spend a day in Nashville, which was nice.  I also went with my sister in law shopping the day after Thanksgiving.  It was good to hang out with her, but man I will NEVER go shopping on Black Friday again.  There are some crazies out there!


December was a bit of a crazy month.  Myles went to the eye doctor and the dentist , just as the year was closing.  We found out that one of the re4ason Aaron had been so distracted in school was that the poor boy could hardly see!  So he got some fancy new Spiderman glasses.  And his reading and attention was improved, imagine that!  We had the kids baptized at our church and had a very nice luncheon afterwards.  I was involved in my first-ever car accident.  I was rear-ended as I waited at a red light.  And just my luck, I was hit by an uninsured driver.  Emily was in the car with me, but she was totally fine.  Thank God for good car seats.  Her reaction verbatim was “Wow, that was loud….can I have a TicTac?”  That’s my girl!  I did go to the ER to get my head checked, lol.  I had a pretty bad headache for about 4 days, but all is good. 


Aaron's new glasses in our Xmas card pic

Wow- January 2009 already!  I cannot believe it.  Swim started up again for both kids and they are little fish!  I finished the sweater that I knit for Aaron.  If I do say so myself, I think it’s gorgeous.  I’m very proud of it.  Myles travelled some more, which had tapered off during the holidays, but I think it’s going to rev up again soon.  We made out first camping reservations for Traverse City in June.  We can’t wait to go!  We got the Expedition fixed from the accident and had a rental for a week and a half.  Not to fun.  But we got it bad and it looks great.  Now we need to explore the Oakland County Court System.  Not looking forward to that. 


Ok, I think that is it.  Thanks for checking our blog and  please leave a comment for us!!


Sunday, May 11, 2008

1st Dance Recitial

Emily getting ready
This is all the girls just before they went on stage

Aaron gave her flowers at the intermission

Mary Ellen made the trip out to see her

Emily won most improved dancer in her age group. She got announced up on stage and got a certificate. We are so very proud of her, and she loves dance, especially now that she's done it on a stage with a ton of people cheering for her. She is a bit of a ham.

I know it looks like everything has been about Emily lately, and it kinda has the past 2 weeks but Aaron has a couple big things coming up, and I'll be sure to post about them too.

Emily's face

She fell down on the sidewalk, landed on her face and then it got infected. This is what it looked like.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

April pics

4/14 trip to the Kensington Farm Center
4/15 1st trip of the year to the Zoo
4/20 singing at church un the children's choir, they both love it!!
4/20, my brother got Aaron and actual army uniform. It's exactly like David's but smaller. It has his name sewn on, and all of the correct patches. We usually have to fight him to get him to take it off!
4/14 my mom's club took a field trip to the Milford Bakery. The kids got to dip a donut in frosting and sprinkles. It was a HUGE hit!

5/2 Emily fell on the sidewalk the night before Dan's wedding. This is what it looked like on Friday morning. More pics to come...........................
Lovely isn't it??
4/22 Emily asked if she could take a nap outside, I said sure, never thinking she would actually fall asleep. Well, she did, for 2 hours!!

5/2 Dan and Meredith's wedding

Monday, April 7, 2008

30 is the new......

I'm not really sure, but I did have fun celebrating my big milestone birthday, with much thanks to my hubby.
My birthday weekend was an exciting one. First off, on Thursday 3/28, my sister in law went into labor and gave birth to Myles' and my first ever niece!! Rosslyn Cecillia May. BabyRosie, as she is called in our house. Unfortunately, David (my brother, and the baby-daddy) didn't make it home until a few days after she was born. But he is home now, safe and sound for a little while.
On Saturday, I got my hair did, (it's very ironic I think, that I rarely get my hair done) and then we had a few couples over for dinner and games. It was a lot of fun. Oh, and I had a beautiful cake, and a group of people sing me "Happy Birthday", LOL I think it's been years, since I had a group singing to me.

On Sunday 3/30- the "actual" day, I had to take Emily to get her dance pics taken and my dad and Myles took Aaron to church so he could participate in the children;s bell choir. Then we all met up and my dad took us out to lunch( my mom was on TN with My sis in law, Lisa and the new baby).
This past week, we mostly just enjoyed the weather. The furnace has been turned off, although I;m sure that's temporary. Lots of playing outside and bike riding.
Myles didn't want a fuss over his birthday 4/6, so we didn't make one. He's not a big fan of his birthday. We did a bunch of yard work and cleaned out the garage. Also started some spring cleaning inside the house.

Today, 4/7 Emily is home sick to day, I think she's got a spring cold and maybe some allergies thrown in. I've got laundry drying outside on the line, and a sparkling clean kitchen. Life is good.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

A month's worth of pics, all at once

2/10 Ginger got a crate, because she chewed a brand new set of knitting needles one night while we slept. She seems to really love it, and we kind of wish we would have gotten her one sooner. She really is a den animal.2/10 I decided that I wanted to start veggie from seed this year, but being me I didn't read the instructions. After I planed them, I read that they shouldn't be planted until 30-60 days before the last frost. Uh-oh
2/15 Aaron saved up his allowance money to buy a Darth Vader costume. He's very proud of it, and very excited that he bought it with his own money.

3/3 The seedlings grew so well that they needed to be re-potted already. They are off to a wonderful start. Tomatoes, basil, squash, and green beans.

3/5 Aaron asked for green eggs and ham for breakfast. Of course I obliged, but the kids didn't think they were all that tasty.

3/11 I organised a fundraiser for our local Senior Center, and this was taken that night. We raised over $700 for them.3/22 Dying Easter eggs

Very colorful eggs this year
3/23 Easter morning

Emily got a bike and she was/is thrilled about it! She's getting good, but still can't turn while riding it yet.

3/24 I knit Emily a bag to carry her babies around in. She LOVES her babies (little stuffed animals) and she always wants to take them with her. It's a circular bag, so they can peek their heads out, lol.